Son Goku

Copyright: Este patrón es sólo para uso personal. Está prohibida su copia, traducción o distribución en ninguna forma.

Copyright: This pattern is for personal use only. Its copying, translation or distribution in any form is prohibited.


Son Goku It measures approximately 18cm tall.

Copyright: Este patrón es sólo para uso personal. Está prohibida su copia, traducción o distribución en ninguna forma.

Copyright: This pattern is for personal use only. Its copying, translation or distribution in any form is prohibited.

Lana 100% acrilico colores: Negro, Azul, Crema Claro y Naranja
Hilo de 1mm color negro
Gancho de 3mm
Marcador temporal
Aguja Lanera
Aguja más fina
Fieltro Blanco
Ojos locos de 10mm
Relleno 100% hipoalergénico
Pegamento silicona

V: vuelta
c: cadeneta
AM: Anillo mágico
Pb: punto base
mpa: medio punto alto
pa: punto alto
dis: disminución (cerrar 2pb juntos)
aum: Aumento (2pb en 1pb)
aum triple: 3pb en 1pb
pd: punto desliz

Piernas (hacer 2)
V1: 4c, en la 2da 1pb, 1pb, 1aum triple, 1pb, 1aum (8)
V2: 1aum, 1pb, 3aum, 1pb, 2aum (14)
V3: 14pb agarrando solo la hebra trasera
V4: 2pb, 5dis, 2 pb (9)
V5: 9pb agarrando solo la hebra trasera
V6-7: 9pb
V8: 2pb, 1dis, 3pb, 1dis (7)
V9-11: 7pb

Continuar el cuerpo
V12: sin cortar hebra 1c, en la otra pierna 7 pb, 1pb en la c, 7pb en la pierna que sigue (16)
V13: (3pb, 1aum)x4 (20)
V14-21: 20pb
V22: (3pb, 1dis)x 4 (16 )
V23: 8dis (8)

Continuar la Cabeza
V24: 8aum (16)
V25: (1pb, 1aum)x8 (24)
V26: (2pb, 1aum)x8 (32)
V27-29: 32pb
V30: 2pb, 1dis, 3pb, 1 dis, 23pb (30)
V31: 1pb, 1dis, 2pb, 1dis, 23pb (28)
V32: 1pb, 1aum, 2pb, 1aum, 23pb (30)
V33: 2pb, 1aum, 3pb, 1aum, 23pb (32)
V34: 32pb
V35: (2pb, 1dis)x8 (24)
V36: (1pb, 1dis)x8 (16)
V37: 8dis (8)
Cerrar con una aguja lanera

Brazos (hacer 2)
V1: AM 8pb
V2-12: 8pb
Dejar hilo largo para coser al cuerpo
Cerrar con una aguja lanera y coser al cuerpo

Brazaletes (Hacer 2)
V1: 3c, en la 2da 1pb, 1pb (2)
V2-V8: 1c, girar, 2pb (2)
Cerrar con una aguja lanera

Piernas del overol (Hacer 2)
Naranja o naranja Texas
V1: 10c, 1pd
V2: 1c, 10aum (20)
V3: (4pb, 1aum)x 4 (24)
V4-11: 24pb

Continuar el Cuerpo
V12: sin cortar hebra de la 2da pierna, 24pb en la otra pierna, 24pb en la pierna que sigue (48)
V13: (4pb, 1dis)x 8 (40)
V14: 40pb
V15: (2pb, 1dis)x10 (30)
V16-18: 30pb

Cortamos hilo y marcamos como muetro
V1: 1c, 8pb, 1dis (10)
V2: 1c, girar, 10pb, (10)
V3: 1c, girar, 4pb, 2pd, 4pb (10)
Dejar Hebra larga para cocer al hombro

1er Frente
V1: 1c, 3pb, 1dis (5)
V2: 1c, girar, 5pb (5)
V3: 1c, girar, 3pb, 1dis (4)

2do Frente
V1: 1c, 1dis, 3pb (5)
V2: 1c, girar, 5pb (5)
V3: 1c, girar, 1dis, 2pb (4)
Dejar Hebra larga para cocer al hombro
6pd para el frente

Introducir el cuerpo en el overol

Unir hombros

Cinta de la cintura
V1: 3c, en la 2da 1pb,1pb (2)
V2-40: 1c, girar, 2pb (2)
Atar al cuerpo

Brazateles (Hacer 2)
V1: 3c, en la 2da 1pb,1pb (2)
V2-8: 1c, girar, 2pb (2)
Dejar hebra larga para coser a los brazos

V1: AM 8pb
V2: 8aum (16)
V3: (1pb, 1aum)x8 (24)
V4: (2pb, 1aum)x8 (32)
V5-8: 32pb
V9: (1pd, tomando solo la hebra delantera, 5c, en la 2da 1pb, 1mpa, 2pa, saltar 3 ptos)x8, 1pd

Pincho Chiquito (Hacer 3)
V1: AM 6pb
V2: 6pb
V3: (1pb, 1aum)x3 (9)
V4: 9pb
V5: 1aum triple, 6pb

Pincho Mediano (hacer 2)
V1: AM 6pb
V2: 6pb
V3: (1pb, 1aum)x3 (9)
V4: 9pb
V5: 1aum triple, 7pb, 1aum (12)
V6: (2pb, 1aum) x4 (16)
V7: 16pb

Pincho Grande (hacer 1)
V1: AM 6pb
V2: 6pb
V3: (1pb, 1 aum)x3 (9)
V4: 9pb
V5: 1aum triple, 7pb, 1aum
V6: (2pb, 1 aum)x4 (16)
V7: 16pb
V8: (3pb, 1 aum)x4 (20)
V9: 20pb

Montaremos el pelo como maestro

Bordado de nariz y boca como te maestro

Orejas (Hacer 2)
AM 5pb sin cerrar
Pegarlas como muestro

Anudar como muestro

Recortar y pegar fieltro
Recortar y pegar solo el centro negro de los ojos locos

Bordarlas como muestro

100% acrylic wool colors: Black, Blue, Light Cream and Orange
1mm black thread
3mm hook
Temporary marker
Needle Wool
Finer needle
White Felt
10mm crazy eyes
100% hypoallergenic filling
Silicone glue

R: Round
ch: Chain
MR: Magic Ring
sc: Single crochet
hdc: half double crochet
dc: double crochet
dec: decrease (2sc together)
inc: increase (2sc in 1stitch)
triple inc: 3sc in 1stitch
ss: slip stitch

Legs (make 2)
R1: 4ch, in the 2nd 1sc, 1sc, 1triple inc, 1sc, 1inc (8)
R2: 1inc, 1sc, 3inc, 1sc, 2inc (14)
R3: 14sc Taking only the back of the stitch
R4: 2sc, 5dec, 2sc (9)
R5: 9sc Taking only the back of the stitch
R6-7: 9sc
R8: 2sc, 1dec, 3sc, 1dec (7)
V9-11: 7sc

Continue the body
R12: uncut thread on 2nd leg 1ch, on the other leg 7sc, 1sc en la ch, 7sc on the next leg (16)
R13: (3sc, 1inc)x4 (20)
R14-21: 20sc
R22: (3sc, 1dec)x 4 (16 )
R23: 8dec (8)

Continue the Head
R24: 8inc (16)
R25: (1sc, 1inc)x8 (24)
R26: (2sc, 1inc)x8 (32)
R27-29: 32sc
R30: 2sc, 1dec, 3sc, 1dec, 23sc (30)
R31: 1sc, 1dec, 2sc, 1dec, 23sc (28)
R32: 1sc, 1inc, 2sc, 1inc, 23sc (30)
R33: 2sc, 1inc, 3sc, 1inc, 23sc (32)
R34: 32sc
R35: (2sc, 1dec)x8 (24)
R36: (1sc, 1dec)x8 (16)
R37: 8dec (8)
Close with a wool needle

Arms (Make 2)
R1: MR 8sc
R2-12: 8sc
Leave long yarn to sew to the body
Close with a wool needle and sew to the body

Bangles (Make 2)
R1: 3ch, on the 2nd 1sc, 1sc (2)
R2-V8: 1ch, turn, 2sc (2)
Close with a wool needle

Overalls legs (Make 2)
Orange or Texas orange
R1: 10ch, 1sc
R2: 1ch, 10inc (20)
R3: (4sc, 1inc)x 4 (24)
R4-11: 24sc

Continue the Body
R12: uncut second leg strand, 24sc on the other leg, 24sc on the next leg (48)
R13: (4sc, 1dec)x 8 (40)
R14: 40sc
R15: (2sc, 1dec)x10 (30)
R16-18: 30sc

We cut thread and mark as I show
R1: 1ch, 8sc, 1dec (10)
R2: 1ch, turn, 10sc, (10)
R3: 1ch, turn, 4sc, 2ss, 4sc (10)
Leave a long yarn to sew the shoulders

1st Front
R1: 1ch, 3sc, 1dec (5)
R2: 1ch, turn, 5sc (5)
R3: 1ch, turn, 3sc, 1dec (4)

2nd Front
R1: 1ch, 1dec, 3sc (5)
R2: 1ch, turn, 5sc (5)
R3: 1ch, turn, 1dec, 2sc (4)
Leave a long yarn to sew the shoulders
6ss for the front

Insert the body in the overalls

Join shoulders

Waist tape
R1: 3ch, on the 2nd 1sc, 1sc (2)
R2-V8: 1ch, turn, 2sc (2)
Tying the body

Armbands (Make 2)
R1: 3ch, on the 2nd 1sc, 1sc (2)
R2-8: 1ch, turn, 2sc (2)
Leave long yarn to sew to arms

R1: MR 8sc
R2: 8inc (16)
R3: (1sc, 1inc)x8 (24)
R4: (2sc, 1inc)x8 (32)
R5-8: 32sc
R9: (1ss, taking only the front strand, 5ch, on the 2nd 1sc, 1hdc, 2dc, jump 3sc)x8, 1ss

Small peak (Make 3)
R1: MR 6sc
R2: 6sc
R3: (1sc, 1inc)x3 (9)
R4: 9sc
R5: 1triple inc, 6sc

Medium Peak (Make 2)
R1: MR 6sc
R2: 6sc
R3: (1sc, 1inc)x3 (9)
R4: 9sc
R5: 1triple inc, 7sc, 1inc (12)
R6: (2sc, 1inc)x4 (16)
R7: 16sc

Big Pick (Make 2)
R1: MR 6sc
R2: 6sc
R3: (1sc, 1inc)x3 (9)
R4: 9sc
R5: 1triple inc, 7sc, 1inc (12)
R6: (2sc, 1inc)x4 (16)
R7: 16sc
R8: (3sc, 1inc)x4 (20)
R9: 20sc

We’ll assemble the hair as I show

Embroidery of nose and mouth as I show you

Ears (Make 2)
MR 5sc without closing
Paste them as I show

Knotting as I show

Cut and paste felt
Cut and paste only the black center of the crazy eyes

Embroider them as I show

Copyright: Este patrón es sólo para uso personal. Está prohibida su copia, traducción o distribución en ninguna forma.

Copyright: This pattern is for personal use only. Its copying, translation or distribution in any form is prohibited.

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