Christmas Garland

Copyright: This pattern is for personal use only. Its copying, translation or distribution in any form is prohibited.
Copyright: Este patrón es sólo para uso personal. Está prohibida su copia, traducción o distribución en ninguna forma.

Start with the color you want

R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6inc (12)

R3-4: 12sc

R5: (1sc, 1dec)x4 (8)

R6-8: 8sc Change to Gold or Gold color yarn

R9: BLO 8ss

R10: BLO (1sc, 1inc)x4 (12)

R11-12: 12sc

Fill and close with wool needle



Start with 1 slip knot 8ch, (1dc joining a light, 8ch)x as many times as lights you want, 1ch to secure.


Note: Leave a long strand at the beginning and at the end if you want to fasten with itself.

Comenzar con el color que desee

R1: AM 6pb

R2: 6aum (12)

R3-4: 12pb

R5: (1pb, 1dis)x4 (8)

R6-8: 8pb CAmbio a hilo color Oro o Dorado

R9: BLO 8pd

R10: BLO (1pb, 1aum)x4 (12)

R11-12: 12pb

Rellenar y cerrar con aguja lanera



Iniciar con 1nudo corredico 8c, (1pa uniendo una luz, 8c)x tantas veces como luces desee, 1c para segurar.


Nota: Dejar hebra larga al inicio y a final si desea sujetar con ella misma.

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