Among us Navidad / Christmas

Este Amigurumi mide aproximadamente 4 pulgadas.


-Hilaza 100% Algodón Mercerizado 3mm, Colores: Rojo, Verde, Canela, Gris, Negro, Blanco, color piel y Amarillo

-Gancho de 2.00mm

-Aguja Lanera

-Marcador temporal


-Relleno 100% hipoalergénico




V: vuelta

c: cadeneta

AM: Anillo mágico

Pb: punto base

dis: disminución (cerrar 2pb juntos)

aum: Aumento (2pb en 1punto)

aum triple: Aumento (3pb en 1punto)

pd: punto deslizado


Piernas (Hacer 2)

Color Rojo V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6aum (12)

V3-5: 12pb

No cortar hebra en la 2da pierna para continuar con el cuerpo

Hacer la unión

V6: 6pb, 3c, 12pb en la otra pierna, 3pb en las 3c, 6pb (30)


V7-18: 30pb

V19: (3pb, 1dis)x6 (24)

V20: (2pb, 1dis)x6 (18)

V21: (1pb, 1dis)x6 (12)

V22: 6dis (6)

Cerrar con aguja lanera



Gris   V1: 4c, en la 2da comenzar (2pb, 1aum triple)x2 (10)

V2: (2pb, 3aum)x2 (16)

V3: (3pb, 1aum)x4 (20)

V4: 20pb Cambiar a color Negro

V5: 20pb

Cerrar y coser entre las v12 y V17 proximadamente.



Rojo   V1: 9c, en la 2da comenzar, 8pb (8)

V2: girar, 8pb (8)

V3: 1c, en un lateral 2pb, 8pb en el frente, 2pb en el otro lateral (12)

V4-11: girar, 12pb (12)

V12: girar, 3pd, 1c en la misma base 1pb, 7pb mas (8)

V13: girar, 8pb (8)

Cerrar los extremos y Coser al cuerpo entre las V8 y 16 aproximadamente.


Gorro de Santa

Rojo   V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6pb

V3: (2pb, 1aum)x2 (8)

V4: (3pb, 1aum)x2 (10)

V5: (4pb, 1aum)x2 (12)

V6: (5pb, 1aum)x2 (14)

V7-8: 14pb

V9: (6pb, 1aum)x2 (16)

V10: (3pb, 1aum)x4 (20)

V11: (4pb, 1aum)x4 (24)

V12: (5pb, 1aum)x4 (28)

V13: 28pb   Cambiar a color Blanco V14: 28pd tomando solo la hebra trasera

V15: 28pb tomando solo la hebra trasera

Cerrar y coser entre las V18 y 19 aproximadamente.


Gorro del Duende

Verde  V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6pb   Cambiar a color rojo

V3: (2pb, 1aum)x2 (8)

V4: (3pb, 1aum)x2 (10)   Cambiar a color verde

V5: (4pb, 1aum)x2 (12)

V6: (5pb, 1aum)x2 (14)   Cambiar a color rojo

V7-8: 14pb

Cambiar a color verde

V9: (6pb, 1aum)x2 (16)

V10: (3pb, 1aum)x4 (20)   Cambiar a color rojo

V11: (4pb, 1aum)x4 (24)

V12: (5pb, 1aum)x4 (28)Cambiar a color amarillo

 V14: 28pd tomando solo la hebra trasera

V15: 28pb tomando solo la hebra trasera

Cerrar y coser entre las V18 y 19 aproximadamente.


Punta del gorro

Amarilla    V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6pb

Cerrar con aguja lanera y coser al gorro.


Cuernos del Reno (Hacer2)

Color Piel   V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6pb tomando solo la hebra trasera

V3-8: 6pb

Coser a la cabeza en las V20 y V21

Punta del cuerno (Hacer2)

V1: AM 6pb

V2: 6pb tomando solo la hebra trasera

V3: 6pb

Coser al 1er cuerno en las V4 y V5



Rojo   V1: AM 8pb

V2: 8pb

Cerrar con aguja lanera y coser debajo del visor.

This Amigurumi measures approximately 4 inches.


-100% Mercerized Cotton Yarn 3mm, Colors: Red, Green, Cinnamon, Gray, Black, White, skin color and Yellow

-2.00mm hook

-Temporary marker

-Wool needle


-100% hypoallergenic filling




R: Round

ch: Chain

MR: Magic Ring

sc: Single crochet

dec: decrease (2sc together)

inc: increase (2sc in 1stitch)

triple inc: increase (3sc in 1stitch)

ss: slip stitch


Legs (Make 2)

Red color R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6inc (12)

R3-5: 12sc

Do not cut the strand in the 2nd leg to continue with the body

Make the unión

R6: 6sc, 3ch, 12sc on the other leg, 3sc in the 3ch, 6sc (30)


R7-18: 30sc

R19: (3sc, 1dec)x6 (24)

R20: (2sc, 1dec)x6 (18)

R21: (1sc, 1dec)x6 (12)

R22: 6dec (6)

Close with wool needle



Gray   R1: 4ch, in the 2nd start (2sc, 1triple inc)x2 (10)

R2: (2sc, 3inc)x2 (16)

R3: (3sc, 1inc)x4 (20)

R4: 20sc    

R5: 20sc

Close and sew between v12 and V17 approximately.



Red   R1: 9ch, in the 2nd start, 8sc (8)

R2: turn, 8sc (8)

R3: 1ch, on one side 2sc, 8sc on the front, 2sc on the other side (12)

R4-11: turn, 12sc (12)

R12: turn, 3ss, 1ch on the same basis 1sc, 7sc more (8)

R13: turn, 8sc (8)

Close the ends and Sew to the body between V8 and 16 approximately.


Santa hat

Red   R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6sc

R3: (2sc, 1inc)x2 (8)

R4: (3sc, 1inc)x2 (10)

R5: (4sc, 1inc)x2 (12)

R6: (5sc, 1inc)x2 (14)

R7-8: 14sc

R9: (6sc, 1inc)x2 (16)

R10: (3sc, 1inc)x4 (20)

R11: (4sc, 1inc)x4 (24)

R12: (5sc, 1inc)x4 (28)

R13: 28sc   Change to White

R14: 28ss taking only the back strand

R15: 28sc taking only the back strand

Close and sew between V18 and 19 approximately.


Goblin’s Cap

Green   R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6sc   Change to red

R3: (2sc, 1inc)x2 (8)

R4: (3sc, 1inc)x2 (10)   Change to green R5: (4sc, 1inc)x2 (12)

R6: (5sc, 1inc)x2 (14)   Change to red R7-8: 14sc

Change to green

R9: (6sc, 1inc)x2 (16)

R10: (3sc, 1inc)x4 (20)   Change to red R11: (4sc, 1inc)x4 (24)

R12: (5sc, 1inc)x4 (28)   Change to yellow

R13: 28sc   Change to White

R14: 28ss taking only the back strand

R15: 28sc taking only the back strand

Close and sew between V18 and 19 approximately.


Cap tip

Yellow    R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6sc

Close with a wool needle and sew to the hat.


Reindeer horns (Make 2)

Skin color   R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6sc taking only the back strand

R3-8: 6sc

Sew to the head on V20 and V21

Tip of the horn (Make 2)

R1: MR 6sc

R2: 6sc taking only the back strand

R3: 6sc

Sew to 1st horn on V4 and V5



Red   R1: MR 8sc

R2: 8sc

Close with a wool needle and sew under the Viewfinder.

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